
Book Preview: Concepts and the Foundations of Physics

Book Preview: Concepts and the Foundations of Physics

Concepts, Different Realities and Physics     We all live in different worlds. Some of us are engaged in the world of finance, administration and governance, others in the fine arts and literature. Still others are occupied in measurement and analysis in the...

The Coronavirus Pandemic – The Facts

The Coronavirus Pandemic – The Facts

Introduction When the new coronavirus was first announced as a global pandemic in March of last year by WHO, we all thought it was going to be over in a few months. But it dragged on, and global numbers increased from a 100,000...

Welcome to PacSpectrum!

Hi all! I have been meaning to set up a personal website for a long time, but it has taken me all this while to decide what format it should take. I hope I have struck the right mix! I will place some personal and professional stuff here that I produced in the distant...