Hi all!

I have been meaning to set up a personal website for a long time, but it has taken me all this while to decide what format it should take. I hope I have struck the right mix!

I will place some personal and professional stuff here that I produced in the distant and not too distant past. Hope you will find some of it of interest. 

But the main reason for my decision to start a website now is to be able to share my thoughts about what I think is important, and to see what you think.  This may sound strange, but in these times of heightened media freedom, I am finding it increasingly difficult to have my say in the usual public fora such as the opinion columns in the dailies. There seems to be simply too many people wanting to do the same!

My website designer tells me that the best format for easy communications is through a forum, so that’s what has been chosen for this homepage. On it you will find my thoughts and opinions on things ranging from global poverty and politics to renewable energy to corona virus and the end of the world.  My designer will set up an email so that you can join in with your own opinions whenever you want to.

All the best for the new year!
